Welcome to the 2016–17 School Year

Dear Overbrook Families,

We hope this letter finds you all well and enjoying the waning days of summer. We have been busy here at Overbrook preparing for a new school year – our 51st – and are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your children back to school! The hallways and classrooms have been much too quiet!

We are all committed to working together to ensure that these first experiences of school are positive ones for your child. Please reach out to us if you have questions or concerns. A strong commitment to clear, open communication is a priority for all the teachers and staff at OPK.

We happily welcome you all to Overbrook Preschool and Kindergarten’s community and
look forward to a year filled with joy, curiosity, and wonder.

With warm regards,
Betsy Berkey and Gillian Gottlieb